还有的卡是能绑上但最后过不了注册,这种占大多数,最后看到那个 you are not eligible 是真气人
btw,大佬们撸azure的时候有没有在最后sign up之后遇到这个:
Protect your account
Enabling multi-factor authentication can block more than 99.9 percent of identity attacks that attempt to compromise your account. Take action now to secure your account from compromise and protect your Azure resources.
然后点了next就莫名其妙弹出来you are not eligible了,以前都没遇到过这种情况,都是在一个能评论笑脸哭脸的界面等结果,看到setting up your account就知道稳了。现在这种界面是正常的吗