发表于 2024-12-2 10:45:00
- QuickBox Lite Setup Script
- Usage: bash setup.sh -u username -p password [OPTS]
- Options:
- NOTE: * is required anyway
- -d, --domain <domain> setup domain for server
- -H, --hostname <hostname> setup hostname, make no change by default
- -P, --port <1-65535> setup ssh service port, use 4747 by default
- -u, --username <username*> username is required here
- -p, --password <password*> your password is required here
- -r, --reboot reboot after installation finished (default no)
- -s, --source <us|au|cn|fr|de|jp|ru|uk|tuna>
- choose apt source (default unchange)
- -t, --theme <defaulted|smoked> choose a theme for your dashboard (default smoked)
- --tz,--timezone <timezone> setup a timezone for server (e.g. GMT-8 or Europe/Berlin)
- --lang <en|zh> choose a TUI language (default english)
- --with-log,no-log install with log to file or not (default yes)
- --with-ftp,--no-ftp install ftp or not (default yes)
- --ftp-ip <ip address> manually setup ftp ip
- --with-bbr,--no-bbr install bbr or not (default no)
- --with-cf use cloudflare instead of github
- --with-sf use sourceforge instead of github
- --with-osdn use osdn(jp) instead of github
- --with-github use github
- --with-APPNAME install an application
- --qbittorrent-version specify the qBittorrent version
- --deluge-version specify the Deluge version
- --qbit-libt-version specify the Libtorrent version for qBittorrent
- --de-libt-version specify the Libtorrent version for Deluge
- --rtorrent-version specify the rTorrent version
- Available applications:
- rtorrent | rutorrent | flood | transmission | qbittorrent
- deluge | mktorrent | ffmpeg | filebrowser | linuxrar
- -h, --help display this help and exit
有没有用 -d指定域名?如果设置了域名,这个脚本应该是会帮你把反代配置好的 |