Luxembourg is moving in the next 6 months. The location has become borderline impossible for us to operate due to a lack of Remote Hands, as well as non stop vendor related issues. More on this in the next week or two.
This means the location will likely move to the Netherlands. This isn’t a choice I’ve wanted to make, but the 6 hour total outage in November, and an additional 2 day outage on one of our hypervisors is what’s breaking our backs.
New York, Vegas, & Miami, are staying put, with Miami aiming to get additional bandwidth providers soon.
卢森堡将在未来 6 个月内搬迁。由于缺少远程协助,以及供应商相关问题不断,我们几乎无法在该地点开展业务。未来一两周内将有更多相关信息。
这意味着该地点可能会搬迁到荷兰。这不是我想要做出的选择,但 11 月的 6 小时总停电以及我们的一个虚拟机管理程序的额外 2 天停电让我们筋疲力尽。